Hello! My name's Ben
and I'm a frontend web
developer based in Sydney

Recent work

PXMO - Proposal builder

  • Landing page
  • NextJS
  • Strapi

Marketing landing page for the pxmo app, an online proposal builder SaaS. Built in NextJS with a headless Strapi CMS, this website was designed to promote the features of the app and encourage sign ups. Subtle parallax animations are used to add visual interest alongside interactive elements and scroll triggered effects.

Editable Hotel Contracts

Editable Hotel Contracts

  • For the sales team
  • React
  • Express

An internal React project to help the company sales team create fast and consistent hotel booking contracts to send to clients. Each contract has a unique URL and can be edited by the client before they sign digitally. It also needed to be printable and lock after signing to prevent further changes. This demo is a simplified version of the full app and uses a RESTful API written in Node.js and MongoDB database.

Product Placeholder

Product Placeholder

  • For developers
  • Side project
  • eCommerce

Small side project for generating customisable placeholder product images with transparent backgrounds. Useful when developing an eCommerce project. Have had a need for something easy like this for years but never found exactly what I needed, so I made it myself.

The Buzz - school newsletter platform

  • SaaS
  • WordPress
  • Documentation

A fully customisable theme and suite of plugins to turn WordPress into an online newsletter creation and distribution platform. Plugins to optionally add category sorting, calendars and email marketing integration (using the MailChimp and Campaign Monitor APIs) were also created. User training was provided and extensive documentation was written to further help customers.

Seeing Machines

Seeing Machines

  • Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Documentation

Bespoke WordPress theme with pre-styled content blocks allowing the client to create varied content with the same template. The hero image at the top of each content page includes a logo overlay with surrounding blur effect. The homepage features a live, animated statistics tracker pulled from real-world data.

Hunter Valley Grammar School

Hunter Valley Grammar School

  • For the school
  • WordPress
  • Documentation

Custom-built WordPress theme coded with a focus on automatically linking related content through categories and tags. A suite of components were also created to allow the client to embed interactive video sets, carousels and related content links on any page.

Afloat Magazine

Afloat Magazine

  • Marketing
  • WordPress
  • Tailwind CSS

WordPress theme built from scratch using Tailwind CSS. The homepage features an animated magazine layout alongside product carousels and forms that filter user-created classifieds listings. Specific headings are prefixed with a maritime signal flag icon corresponding to the first letter in the string.

Newington College

Newington College

  • For the school
  • WordPress
  • User training

User-customisable WordPress theme shared across the main marketing website and ten microsites. Each page is made from an array of pre-styled sections with a focus on large imagery and highly structured content. This website was nominated for Best Education Website at the 2017 AMY Awards.